Set after a world-altering cataclysm called the Blaze that took place on May 14, 2032, Baroque focuses on a nameless, mute, and amnesiac protagonist. Early on, he finds himself tasked with purifying the Meta-Beings, once-human creatures that have lost themselves to the delusions inside them, and reaching the bottom floor of a tower to gain redemption for his forgotten sin. Through his interactions with the other characters and unlocked cutscenes, the player learns about the back-story and characters.
Baroque is set in a post-apocalyptic world where an experiment led by a being called Archangel to understand the Absolute God caused devastating climate change, with surviving humans becoming physically twisted by manifestations of guilt. The protagonist is guided by Archangel through the Neuro Tower to find the Absolute God and fix the world. The game features first person dungeon-crawling through randomly-generated floors of the Neuro Tower, with deaths in the dungeon advancing the narrative.
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