Your name is Charlie. You’re a depressed twenty-something year old just trying to do what all depressed twenty-something year olds are trying to do: stay on top of your work, have a good time with your friends before they graduate, not think about your "it's-complicated" relationship status, and obsess over the identity of the artist leaving sheep graffiti all over your neighborhood. And hide the fact that it feels like you’re rotting from the inside out. But hey, one step at a time, right?
Little By Little By Little is a slice of life video game following a day in the life of an ordinary college student whose hyperfixation on local graffiti keeps them distracted from their rapidly declining mental health. The game touches upon depression and anxiety, drinking culture, self esteem, and complicated relationships - and how those struggles intersect with everyday life. It also explores the healing power of friendships and the importance of being vulnerable.
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